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About Us

About Us

Happy Caps was started in May of 2022 to empower people to take their healing into their hands. Psilocybin therapy has allowed countless people to reclaim parts of themselves lost to pharmaceuticals, depression, addiction, and suffering. Psilocybin is a miracle treatment for so many, and we are committed to keeping prices affordable in order to make this medicine available for EVERYONE!

What is Microdoing?
What is Microdoing?

​Introduction to Microdosing

Congratulations on taking the step towards your own healing! As always, it is an honor to be the bridge. The Psilocybin mushroom is a powerful medicine that has been used by indigenous tribes around the world for thousands of years to commune with Spirit. Through Macro-Dosing (Typically 5 or more grams of dried mushrooms), medicine men and women speak with spirit to guide and heal their people.

The medicine people of these different tribes are among the most respected members of their respective communities. We are outsiders, westerners, and frankly….children in the presence of these peoples’ thousands of years of experience in ceremonial, ritual medicine. As you embark on this journey for yourself, pay homage to those that came before you and the wisdom that they have collected. Learn first from thy own self, then secondly from thy teachers. May Mushrooms remind you of what you already know. 

Why: Why Start Microdosing? 

Many people have struggled from mental health issues in their lives, perhaps you reading this are not too different in your desire to relieve yourself from the occasional pains of existence. Alcohol, porn, and other distractions/vices are all inherently temporary reliefs and maybe YOU are seeking something to finally “fix” what you THINK is broken in you. Or perhaps you’re simply looking to augment your productivity and you’ve heard of how psilocybin can help in the gym AND in your studies. Or maybe you know there’s more than just this world, than this existence in this body, but you can’t seem to put a finger on it, on your soul that is. 
Psilocybin mushrooms have different effects at different dosages, but micro-dosing can be an excellent way to experiment with the medicine if you are unfamiliar with it and do not have easy access to ceremonial facilitation (High-Dose facilitation.) No matter your intention, this short guide will better leave you better informed to decide whether psilocybin therapy is right for you. 

Disclaimer: Psilocybin isn’t for everybody, so always discuss your mental or physical health with a trusted naturopathic consultant before beginning a regimen. Factors such as other medication (SSRI antidepressants especially), history of schizophrenia, and unknown sensitivities can greatly affect your experience. Although it can be a wonderful medicine, the mushroom is not a molecule to be taken lightly. Too much psilocybin in the wrong mindset and physical setting can have chaotic endings. 

Okay, with that out of the way let’s get into the benefits of Microdosing. 

Physical benefits include: 

  • Increased Recovery Rate from Nerve Damage

  • Improved Sleep

  • Reduced Inflammation

  • Pain Relief

  • Addiction Recovery

The research on the physical benefits of Psilocybin is coming to light more and more as it becomes accepted by the general public and the U.S. government allows it to happen. It is receiving most of its claim to fame from its mental health benefits, but the physical benefits, especially its ability to aid in the withdrawal symptoms and cravings of recovering addicts, deserve just as much attention. More research is needed to confirm any of its claims, but anecdotally, the examples are seemingly endless. 

Mental Benefits: 

  • Improved Mood and Sense of Well-being

  • Increased Energy and Focus

  • Enhanced Creativity

  • Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Enhancement

  • Addiction Recovery


In many places in America, mostly the west coast, psilocybin is decriminalized and even available in the state of Oregon as legal, licensed psilocybin therapy, although the cost of said therapy is incredibly restrictive($3500+) and honestly not recommended by Happy Caps (See our recommended Facilitators page for more info on affordable and spiritually qualified facilitators). The mental benefits of psilocybin are almost unbelievable for those that have been treatment resistant to other forms of talk and drug therapy. At a personal level, they saved me from ending my life and/or relapsing on antidepressants. My story is in no way unique, and that makes me happy. 

The little research that there is along with the leaps and bounds psilocybin has made in its legal status speaks for itself the proof behind the mental health claims. More research is needed to verify these claims, but our indigenous ancestors have already known these benefits for thousands of years and do not need white lab coats to tell them what is and isn’t medicine. 

Although mushrooms can be used indefinitely, it is not their intended purpose, unlike the pharmaceutical industry’s antidepressants, adderall, etc. If you want to continuously augment your cognition and physical performance, just remember this phrase: “The Poison is in The Dosage” Too much of anything is not a good thing. 

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Closer Communion with Spirit

  • Overall feeling of Contentment on the Planet

  • Breathing in Nature Actually Feels Orgasmic 


We are all one, living, breathing organism hailing from the same Mother and Father. Mother Earth nurtures us, births us, experiences herself through us. Father Spirit provides the conscious fuel we use to stoke our fire, to experience life in the first place. We are light in its purest form being translated through matter, like electricity flowing through a lightbulb. In this way we move from one form to another entirely, but still exist as the same energy.


Psilocybin at higher doses provides an experience that allows one to truly embody and experience what it is like to be light, to be pure energy, while micro dosing provides an extremely minimal, not even comparable. Many Happy Caps family have reported feeling “More like themselves than ever before”. Everyone’s path is individual and we do not force our spiritual beliefs on anybody, so interpret the experiences you have through whatever lens you do… and talk about it! Talk about it with yourself in a journal, with trusted love ones, or your fellow Happy Caps members/coaches. Integration is just as important as the experience itself. 

When: What is the right set and setting?


What IS the right set and setting for mushrooms? Everyone is different and will use psilocybin for different purposes. Here are some activities we recommend using our Microdoses for:


  • Exercise (Lifting, cardio, etc.)

  • Talk therapy

  • Listening to Music 

  • Hikes in Nature

  • Festivals

  • Journaling

  • Daily Life


Depending on your dosage and comfort level with psilocybin, the different levels of Happy Caps will affect you differently. Low Dose Happy Caps are sub-perceptual for most people, meaning you will not notice a cognitive difference. Although we never recommend operating a motor vehicle under the influence of psilocybin no matter the dosage, the Low Dose Happy Caps are generally okay for most other activities as it does not impair any cognition or motor ability. The High Dose and Hero Dose are typically noticeable, even if it is only slightly. Every body reacts differently, but typical effects include: Increased energy, better socialization skills, and feelings of “being oneself”. There is also the possibility of anxiety, but it usually passes in 30 minutes or so after its peak. 


Microdosing is a great way to heal from anxiety, trauma, physical pains, and depression. If you feel called to the medicine, we are happy to provide. 


How to Microdose?

A very basic micro-dosing regimen is: 

  • 5 Days on 

  • 2 Days off

  • Repeat


Your body develops a tolerance to psilocybin rather quickly so know that your off days are as important as your on days. Following this agenda will make a single container of Happy Caps last a month, exactly 4 weeks. If you are very new to microdosing and are serious about getting the benefits listed above, then be strict about taking your regimen. Everyone is different and you are sovereign so experiment however you deem fit and find what's right for you. In conjunction with microdosing, it is a good idea to start a progress journal to keep track of your mental state and any changes you notice during your practice. This is highly recommended, and writing on paper instead of notes on a screen is even better.


For the most cerebral/noticeable effects of psilocybin (whether you're macrodosing with raw mushroom fruit or microdosing with capsules) do not eat 2-4 hours before consuming, and do not eat for 2-4 hours after ingesting.  For the most medicinal effects of psilocybin, you can take the capsules whenever you’d like with or without a meal. I normally suggest taking your Happy Caps in the morning or around mid-day with a meal.



If you are currently taking antidepressant SSRIs then your serotonin production is compromised. Due to this you may need much more psilocybin to feel any effect at all, and in all honesty you should be detoxing the medication before engaging with psilocybin. We are not medical professionals so please consult your doctor or psychiatrist before deciding to stop any medication that was prescribed to you. However, keep in mind that you are a sovereign being and do not need anyone’s permission to start or stop taking any medication if you feel it is wrong for you. Look to your friends and family for support in making this decision if you have the privilege  of having an open-minded circle of peers. 



If you are diagnosed schizophrenic or have a family history of schizophrenia or any other mental disorders, please proceed with extreme caution or seek other medicines for your ailment. Psilocybin is not for people that are already having a difficulty discerning what is and what isn’t reality.  


Psilocybin isn’t for everybody, so always discuss with your mental or physical health with a trusted naturopathic consultant before beginning a regimen. Factors such as other medication (SSRI antidepressants especially), history of schizophrenia, and unknown sensitivities can greatly affect your experience. Although it can be a wonderful medicine, the mushroom is not a molecule to be taken lightly. Too much psilocybin in the wrong mindset and physical setting can have chaotic endings. 

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